

Elise (:

This is random. But we both are just going to do a post on each other. Elise is my friend, and wonderful photographer, and amazing.
We became friends, I guess threw FLICKR (my life...) and did a photo shoot together, and honestly it was kind of awkward at first. She came to my house two summers ago; or last summer, and went in my woods, and all around my yard and did not say one peep, besides.. "Yeah if you lay in the water and look like your dead that might be a good picture". Ha-ha! Now we talk all of the time never have any awkwardness! She’s a blast! I love her!



The Ordinary said...

the colors in these are great! and how good are you with photoshop? i mean, do you do anything other with it besides editing photos?

Emily said...

Yeah im pretty good, whats up?

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