
Internship: Day #1

This is the four of us.
#1 Katie, #2 Emily #3 Julia #4 Natalie
And we are interning with I'm Kristen Photography!

 Today we started our branding, and I never have heard of this or done it before, but seriously it's so helpful!
(pretty much it's to help us see who/what we are in photography, style wise, photography wise.. really good stuff!)
And Kristen had us first write out three words that describe us, mine are
#1 Artsy
#2 Young
#3 Dorky
All are true, aha :) then she had us go threw magazines finding pictures we liked, then we made a collage! today was a great start andddd also my birthday!

Haha, yea I made my own cake, and I couldn't find candles, so 8x2 = 16, so I'm good right?



Lydia Jane said...

8x8=64. You are SO OLD emily. How do you stay so beautiful??

Haha love the photos.


Emily Patton said...

like, i humble my self and i dont even try.. haha love you lyd.

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