
Light. (Your questions answered)

If you've noticed anything about my photography, or some kind of patterns I make with my photos, it's light.
I loooveeeee 5:30-7:30 lighting, that's my golden photo taking time. (literally)

I've had a lot of people ask me how I get the bright colors and beautiful sun-lighting, and this is my answer:  
Go out shooting between 5:30-7:30 and look for really good patches of that golden light, and just 

experiment with it. Ask one of your siblings or friends to model for you. 

*(Normally I have some one sitting down and have the light coming from behind them, you should 

never have someone posing where the sun is in front of them, because you end up with watery eyes, red face, or you create a shadow.)

 Have any other questions about what I do/ how I shoot.
Email me :)

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